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Fraud Risk Deep Dive

Fraud Risk Deep Dive

13.00 - 16.00 GMT | Virtual Deep Dive & Annual Report

Join the Fraud Risk Deep Dive & Annual Report


As fraudsters become increasingly sophisticated, how can banks adapt their detection and mitigation responses? The industrialisation of fraud requires a digital response. Smarter data collection and more sophisticated analytics are a key part of the fraud detection processes. In order to find patterns of fraudulent activity you need more context, more data integrated into automated, network analysis tools rather than teams of analysts pulling spreadsheets from multiple systems. 

The need to identify hard-to-spot patterns and networks in transaction data cuts across all product and business areas. Controls must be tailored to each institution’s specific business model. Individual transactions rarely provide useful counter-fraud intelligence. It is the links between transactions and the context in which they occur that can identify bad actors, bad networks and sophisticated financial crimes.

What to Expect

  • A comprehensive catalogue of the fraud landscape in 2024 and moving forward into 2025
  • How advanced criminals are in committing fraud and the banks are playing catch up when it comes to technology and the usage of AI
  • Develop enhanced fraud risk strategies
  • Leverage technology strategies and frameworks to combat the ever-advanced threat of illicit activity
  • Actively fight fraud rather than purely meet technical compliance requirements


Sessions where three or four Managing Director-level practitioners or experts discuss and debate a particular topic or issue. Panel debates are a great way to explore complex topics and get multiple perspectives on a subject.

  • AI: A Friend or Foe to Fraud Teams?
  • Ensuring Accurate Financial Statement Reporting to Mitigate Corporate Fraud
  • Fraud Model Risk Governance
  • Ensuring Effective Due Diligence for New Clients to Mitigate Fraud Risk

Roundtable Discussions

Private, off the record roundtables are moderated by 1LoD and are designed to promote dialogue and collaboration among the attendees.

  • Generating synthetic data to effectively train fraud models
  • Fraud threats of the future
  • How are banks protecting clients against criminal activity?
  • Ensuring effective understanding of supply chains to mitigate fraud risk

Who Should Attend

Managing Directors, Directors, VP level of the following functions from banks, asset managers and other financial institutions:

Anti-Financial Crime / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Anti-Bribery & Corruption (AB&C)/ / Know Your Customer (KYC) / Client & Enhanced Due Diligence (CDD / EDD) / Financial Crime Intelligence / Financial Crime Investigations (Unit) / Transaction monitoring / MLRO / SMF17 / Financial Crime Risk Management / Financial Crime Compliance (FCC) / Financial Crime Operations / Economic Crime / Financial Crime Audit / Heads of Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) / 1st line COOs and Heads of Financial Crime within the 1st line/ Fraud Risk / Head of Fraud / Operational Risk

2023 Speakers

What is the future of fraud risk management?

What is the future of fraud risk management?


In an era where fraud risks are evolving rapidly and appear increasingly complex, 1LoD’s recent Fraud Risk Deep Dive highlighted the urgent need for innovative, multi faceted approaches in the financial sector.


How the Deep Dives and Annual Reports work


Deep Dives offer virtual interaction through an intra-delegate messaging system, opportunities to pose questions to speakers in real time, and interactive roundtable discussions.

Chatham House Rule applies, creating a safe environment for a free discussion and no press attend.


Private, off the record roundtables are moderated by 1LoD, and attended by delegates from financial institutions who have booked their place in advance. They take place on Zoom. Delegates are sent discussion topics, and an overall structure of the debate in advance to assist the flow of the discussion.

Annual Report

Deep Dives are 1LoD's annual update on a non-financial risk function or topic. Content is presented in a 6- or 8-page report which summarises 4 hours of debate between 16 practitioners at Managing Director level who are leaders for their functions, often joined by the relevant regulators

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Why sponsor the Annual Report?

Deep Dives provide the industry with an annual update on the latest trends and thinking on the function or topic in focus. They:

• Generate Demand

• Gather Intelligence

• Raise Your Profile

• Create Content

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