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Asset Management Compliance Leaders' Network


The formation of the Asset Management Compliance Leaders’ Network (AMCLN) provides regular off-the-record meetings for senor non-financial risk and control leaders at asset management firms to collaborate and benchmark against each other to learn, network and determine best practice.

What is it?

The Asset Management Compliance Leaders’ Network (AMCLN) is a private, invitation-only series of meetings for (10-20) senior decision-makers to discuss the most pressing challenges. 

Who is it for?

Global and regional heads of function from asset management firms.

What is the AMCLN’s objectives?

  • To provide an opportunity for senior compliance decision-makers to collaborate through sharing best practice   
  • To aid identification of efficiencies and better management of risk within the compliance function
  • To implement a networking opportunity with senior peers across the compliance community
  • To allow  benchmarks to be explored
  • To provide a platform from which practitioners can hear about and understand the latest advances in technology
  • To provide a safe, off the record environment for banks to speak freely between themselves

In what format is it delivered and when?

  • The AMCLN is held in-person, regularly, in London and in New York 

  • Chatham House Rule applies, creating a safe environment for a free discussion

  • No press are in attendance

Read some of our Leaders' Networks reports