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XLoD Global - London 2024


Panel Discussion: Understanding Regulatory Expectations for Communication Surveillance

13 Nov 2024
  • What specific guidelines and standards do regulators set for communication surveillance? How do banks see this evolving in the near future?
  • In what ways can firms anticipate evolving regulatory expectation?
  • How do regulatory expectations for comms surveillance evolve in response to technological advancements and changes in communication channels?
  • How can banks ensure their SRAs (surveillance risk assessments) and MRAs (material risk assessments) effectively capture all necessary risks, data and venues?
  • How can banking organisations proactively adapt their communication surveillance frameworks to align with shifting regulatory expectations and ensure compliance whilst ensuring BAU coverage?
Emily Wright, Moderator, XLoD Global & Owner - Wright Consulting
Ian Blair, Managing Director, Group Head of Surveillance - HSBC
Paul Clulow-Phillips, Managing Director, Global Head of Surveillance - Société Générale
Matthew Storey, Chief Product Officer - SteelEye
Simon Appleton, Market Abuse, Surveillance & MiFIR Transaction Reporting Director - Kaizen