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Trade Surveillance Deep Dive Agenda

Have a look at the 2024 agenda

  1. 50 mins
    • What are the unique challenges posed by fixed-income surveillance? And how are these being addressed?
    • Given the renewed regulatory focus what steps are banks taking to accommodate the nuances of the asset class?
    • To what extent can banks leverage existing surveillance frameworks from other asset classes?
    • Should banks be building dedicated fixed-income surveillance technologies or repurposing and recalibrating equity-based systems?
    • How can surveillance teams better understand fixed-income traders' risk positioning to leverage the power of existing surveillance frameworks?
    • How are banks breaking the data challenges in fixed-income into manageable steps?
  1. 40 mins
    • In what ways can technological progress enhance the identification of intricate market manipulation schemes?
    • To what degree has the rise in trading platforms elevated the intricacy and scope of surveillance programs required for comprehensive coverage?
    • What inherent flaws exist in relying on alerts generated by singleproduct manipulation when seeking cross-product manipulation, and why is this approach problematic?
  2. 40 mins
    • How can banks overcome the challenges in ensuring data quality for trade surveillance?
    • How does the volume of data generated by banks pose a challenge, and what strategies can be implemented to process and analyse large amounts of data in real-time?
    • What are the other complexities associated with the data used for trade surveillance, and how can banks integrate and analyse this data effectively?
  3. 40 mins
    • What are the challenges banks are encountering when attempting to create a complete trader profile, and how can these be overcome?
    • Does trader profiling have a value? And how can that value be quantified and explained to regulators?
    • Are profiling tools being built within existing trade or comms surveillance platforms or are banks building behavioural surveillance tools themselves?
    • Should trader profiling systems look at individuals’ behaviour outside their organisation?
  1. 50 mins
    • To what extent has the proliferation of trading venues increased the complexity and depth of coverage needed by surveillance programmes?
    • Should inter-venue trading manipulation be considered an equal risk to cross-product manipulation?
    • Given recent regulatory focus on this area, is there now a need to review venue assessment, onboarding and ongoing management?
    • How can new technologies help banks demonstrate comprehensive surveillance and coverage of all venues?
    • How can surveillance functions ensure that they have a completeness of data across all venues?
  1. 55 mins
    • What has been the key driver of achieving comprehensive model risk management?
    • Do trade surveillance SMEs have the necessary skills to manage the relationship with model risk management teams given the more qualitative nature of surveillance models compared to traditional quant areas such as valuations or algo trading?
    • Does the effort involved with model governance change the typical build vs buy decision making process when considering new surveillance capabilities?
    • How does onboarding to model governance impact the effectiveness of trade surveillance capabilities? Are the risk management benefits proportionate to the costs of meeting the required standards?
  1. 40 mins
    • Is the comprehensive integration of communication and trade surveillance data still a realistic technological possibility?
    • Can the integration of communications with trading data more accurately detect cases of market abuse?
    • How can banks effectively enrich their data to optimise the analysis of trading and communications activity?
  2. 40 mins
    • Why is trade reconstruction so challenging? And have the recent regulatory fines increased the regulatory expectations on reconstructing trades?
    • What is the scope of regulatory expectations globally for trade reconstruction?
    • Should banks be building dedicated trade reconstruction capabilities to capture, index and publish the required trading and communications data needed?
  3. 40 mins
    • In what ways has the approach to surveillance in the financial sector stagnated? And what revolutionary changes are needed to address evolving risks and challenges?
    • How can trade surveillance leaders effectively navigate the challenge of running complex systems with minimal budgets, whilst aiming to detect rare market events and behaviours amid a sea of noise?
    • What are the primary issues and solutions that banks prioritise in trade surveillance, particularly in dealing with budget constraints, triggered expenditures, and the aftermath of market manipulation?
  1. 55 mins
    • How should financial institutions best leverage technology innovation and integrate external trade surveillance technology with legacy systems?
    • To what extent can financial institutions effectively leverage AI technology to analyse vast amounts of trade surveillance data to detect potential market abuse activities?
    • Should financial institutions be focusing on data completeness before integrating AI solutions?
    • How can financial institutions retain explainability to regulators when leveraging AI in their trade surveillance technology?