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  1. Keynote
    10 mins
  1. Debate
    50 mins

    • How can banks optimise the end-to-end onboarding process whilst ensuring that the appropriate risk appetite has been maintained?

    • Do more complex products create challenges in the implementation of event driven review (EDR)? Is it feasible for banks to move away from periodic review to EDR?

    • How can banks ensure that they have completeness of data for accurate client monitoring triggers? How can banks ensure they effectively capture client data?

    • What does good enhanced due diligence (EDD) look like?

  1. Break
    10 mins
  1. Break
    10 mins
  1. Debate
    50 mins

    • How can banks empower the 1st line to own financial crime risks?

    • How can financial crime teams ensure accountability and ownership of AML risk in the business?

    • How can automation improve the client onboarding experience whilst managing AML risk and carrying out proper due diligence?

    • How can banks balance the need for fast client onboarding whilst carrying out proper due diligence?

    • What are the potential benefits of utilising existing market abuse surveillance tools for financial crime threat mitigation? Which points in the lifecycle could benefit the most?

  1. Keynote
    5 mins
  1. Keynote
    10 mins
  1. Debate
    50 mins

    • How feasible is it to develop global controls to effectively track changing regulatory requirements across different jurisdictions?

    • What are the opportunities for cross-industry collaboration to adapt and respond to advanced financial crime threats? How can banks balance the need for proper collaboration whilst maintaining their competitiveness?

    • Is going beyond the regulatory minimum a current priority for banks?

    • How can banks utilise data analytics in AML functions to demonstrate effectiveness to regulators? • How can banks retrieve siloed data to unlock previously unknown AML risks?

  1. Break
    10 mins
  1. Break
    10 mins
  1. Debate
    50 mins

    • How can banks utilise AI and Machine Learning (ML) for effective AML risk management?

    • How are banks currently implementing AI and ML into their financial crime controls? What are the possibilities for the future?

    • What are the challenges associated with buying or building AI models to enhance banks’ AML capabilities?

    • How can banks map out specific use cases for AI and ML in financial crime teams? What do these look like?

    • How can AI and ML be utilised to consolidate government and private data sets? What are the opportunities to prevent sophisticated illicit activity?

  1. Keynote
    5 mins